By Konstantin Malanchev, on behalf of the SNAD team
The SNAD viewer paper is now published in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific!
In the paper, we describe the SNAD Viewer, a web portal for astronomers which presents a centralized view of individual objects from the Zwicky
Transient Facility's (ZTF) data releases, including data gathered from multiple publicly available astronomical archives and data sources.
Initially built to enable efficient expert feedback in the context of adaptive machine learning applications, it has evolved into a full-fledged
community asset that centralizes public information and provides a multi-dimensional view of ZTF sources. The Viewer has been instrumental in
highlighting the crucial roles domain experts retain in the era of big data in astronomy. Given the arrival of the upcoming generation of large-scale
surveys, we believe similar systems will be paramount in enabling an optimal exploitation of the scientific potential enclosed in current terabyte and
future petabyte-scale data sets.
Please, enjoy the viewer at