Семинар по обзору статей на arXiv
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Повестка ближайшего семинара:
12/02/2025, 15:00 (on-line, №61)
- Елена Балакина
"Milky Way dynamics in light of Gaia"
(New Astronomy Reviews)
- Анастасия Лаврухина
"The Gaia white dwarf revolution"
(New Astronomy Reviews)
- Тимофей Семенихин
"A Poisson Process AutoDecoder for X-ray Sources"
- Дмитрий Чулков
"Resolving Pleiades binary stars with Gaia and speckle interferometric observations"
Прошедшие семинары:
22/01/2025, 15:00 (on-line, №60)
- Анастасия Волошина
"Science objectives of the Einstein Probe mission
- Константин Маланчев
"Accretion Disk Separation in Hercules X-1 through 3D Hydrodynamic Modeling?"
(poster at 245th AAS meeting)
- Воспоминания о Дмитрии Алексеевиче Колесникове (22.06.1990 - 28.12.2024)
10/12/2024, 15:00 (on-line, №59)
- Тимофей Семенихин
"AstroM3: A self-supervised multimodal model for astronomy"
- Мария Пружинская
"Type Ia supernovae"
- Елена Балакина
"In-situ formation of star clusters at z > 7 via galactic disk fragmentation; shedding light on ultra-compact clusters and overmassive black holes seen by JWST"
6/11/2024, 15:00 (on-line, №58)
- Анастасия Лаврухина
"On scientific understanding with artificial intelligence"
(Nature Reviews Physics)
- Анастасия Волошина
"The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite"
- Елена Балакина
"Exocomets, exoasteroids and exomoons"
2/10/2024, 15:00 (on-line, №57)
- Анастасия Балута
Новости c конференции ВАК-2024
- Анастасия Волошина
"Discovery and Classification in Astronomy: Scientific and Philosophical Challenges and the Importance of a Comprehensive and Consistent Classification System"
(The Planetary Science Journal)
- Тимофей Семенихин
"A Classifier-Based Approach to Multi-Class Anomaly Detection Applied to Astronomical Time-Series"
3/07/2024, 15:00 (on-line, №56)
- Анастасия Балута
"Strongly lensed supernovae: lessons learned"
- Елена Балакина
"Hypervelocity star observations constrain the Galactic Centre"
- Мария Пружинская
"The JADES Transient Survey: Discovery and Classification of Supernovae in the JADES Deep Field"
5/06/2024, 15:00 (on-line, №55)
- Marie Aubert
"Euclid. I. Overview of the Euclid mission"
- Анастасия Балута
"Searching for gravitational wave optical counterparts with the Zwicky Transient Facility: summary of O4a"
- Тимофей Семенихин
"ATAT: Astronomical Transformer for time series And Tabular data"
1/05/2024, 15:00 (on-line, №54)
- Елена Балакина
"Discovery of a dormant 33 solar-mass black hole in pre-release Gaia astrometry"
- Анастасия Волошина
"STELLA lightcurves of energetic pair instability supernovae in the context of SN2018ibb"
- Дмитрий Колесников
Solar eclipse of April 8, 2024
27/03/2024, 15:00 (on-line, №53)
- Анастасия Лаврухина и Анастасия Волошина
"Stellar flares"
- Тимофей Семенихин
"Searching for precursor activity of Type IIn Supernovae"
- Мария Пружинская
"Evidence of a Past Merger of the Galactic Center Black Hole"
- Дискуссия (2403.02857)
28/02/2024, 16:00 (on-line, №52)
- Тимофей Семенихин
"Short-Period Variables in TESS Full-Frame Image Light Curves Identified via Convolutional Neural Networks"
- Анастасия Волошина
"The accretion of a solar mass per day by a 17-billion solar mass black hole"
(2402.15101 and Video)
- Дискуссия (2402.16635)
7/02/2024, 15:00 (on-line, №51)
- Анастасия Балута
"The Spatial Distribution of Type Ia Supernovae within Host Galaxies"
- Арсений Хадарцев
"A catalogue of low-mass X-ray binaries in the Galaxy: from the INTEGRAL to the Gaia era"
- Елена Балакина
Первый Data Release eROSITA (DR1)
"First Study of the Supernova Remnant Population in the Large Magellanic Cloud with eROSITA"
"Massive black holes in nuclear star clusters: Investigation with SRG/eROSITA X-ray data"
- Дискуссия
27/12/2023, 15:00 (on-line, №50)
- Анастасия Волошина
"A Pilot Search for Gravitational Self-Lensing Binaries with the Zwicky Transient Facility"
- Мария Пружинская
"The ZTF Source Classification Project: III. A Catalog of Variable Sources"
- Анастасия Лаврухина
Новости с конференции HEA-20232
- Дискуссия
29/11/2023, 15:00 (on-line, №49)
- Etienne Russeil
"Rainbow: a colorful approach on multi-passband light curve estimation"
(2310.02916), in English
- Елена Балакина
"The early evolution of young massive clusters II. The kinematic history of NGC 6618/M 17"
1/11/2023, 15:00 (on-line, №48)
- Анастасия Балута
"A search for extragalactic fast optical transients in the Tomo-e Gozen high-cadence survey"
- Всеволод Ландер
"How many stars form in galaxy mergers?"
- Анастасия Волошина
"A bright triple transient that vanished within 50 minutes"
- Тимофей Семенихин
Новости с конференции DAMDID
27/09/2023, 15:00 (on-line, №47)
- Тимофей Семенихин
"Astronomaly at Scale: Searching for Anomalies Amongst 4 Million Galaxies"
- Елена Балакина
"A Comparison Between the Morphologies and Structures of Dwarf Galaxies with and without Active Massive Black Holes"
- Мария Пружинская
"The Cepheid Extragalactic Distance Scale: Past, Present and Future"
- Анастасия Лаврухина
"Alert Classification for the ALeRCE Broker System: The Anomaly Detector" (AJ)
5/07/2023, 15:00 (on-line, №46)
- Елена Балакина
"The Ages and Metallicities of the Globular Clusters in the Sparkler"
- Анастасия Балута
"Origins of the Evil Eye: M64's Stellar Halo Reveals the Recent Accretion of an SMC-mass Satellite"
- Анастасия Волошина
"Varstrometry for Off-nucleus and Dual sub-Kpc AGN (VODKA): Investigating the Nature of J0823+2418 at z=1.81: a Likely Lensed Quasar" (2306.04041)
- Дискуссия: обнаружение гравитационно-волнового фона по милисекундным пульсарам
7/06/2023, 15:00 (on-line, №45)
- Дмитрий Колесников
"The evolutionary stage of Betelgeuse inferred from its pulsation periods"
- Елена Балакина
"WD J004917.14−252556.81, the Most Massive Pulsating White Dwarf"
- Константин Маланчев
"The nearby supernova 2023ixf in M101"
4/05/2023, 15:00 (on-line, №44)
- Тимофей Семенихин
"The Large Array Survey Telescope -- Science Goals"
- Анастасия Лаврухина
"The Kinematics, Metallicities, and Orbits of Six Recently Discovered Galactic Star Clusters with Magellan/M2FS Spectroscopy"
- Елена Балакина
"The first stars: formation, properties, and impact"
- Мария Пружинская
"What Does the Milky Way Look Like?"
29/03/2023, 15:00 (on-line, №43)
- Анастасия Балута
"Multi-wavelength observations of the extraordinary accretion event AT2021lwx"
- Анастасия Лаврухина
"Discovery of a quiescent galaxy at z=7.3"
- Тимофей Семенихин
"An archival search for type Ia supernova siblings"
- Мария Пружинская
"Successful Kinetic Impact into an Asteroid for Planetary Defense"
1/03/2023, 15:00 (on-line, №42)
- Арсений Хадарцев
"Quasi-Periodic Eruptions from Galaxy Nuclei"
- Мария Пружинская
"A candidate runaway supermassive black hole identified by shocks and star formation in its wake"
- Анастасия Волошина
"Quasars vs. Microquasars"
- Елена Балакина
"The brightest GRB ever detected: GRB 221009A as a highly luminous event at z = 0.151"
- Анастасия Лаврухина и Тимофей Семенихин
Новости со школы
("Физика космоса - 50")
25/01/2023, 15:00 (on-line, №41)
- Анастасия Лаврухина
"Data-Driven Selection and Spectral Classification of White Dwarf Stars"
- Тимофей Семенихин
"Data-driven photometric redshift estimation from type Ia supernovae light curves"
- Анастасия Волошина
"Where are the missing symbiotic stars? Uncovering hidden Symbiotic Stars in public catalogues"
- Елена Балакина
"Dynamics in the outskirts of four Milky Way globular clusters: it's the tides that dominate"
28/12/2022, 15:00 (on-line, №40)
- Антон Миронов
"PSFs of coadded images"
- Анастасия Лаврухина
"A New Period Determination Method for Periodic Variable Stars"
- Дмитрий Чулков
"Visual binary stars with known orbits in Gaia EDR3"
7/12/2022, 15:00 (on-line, №39)
- Антон Миронов
"Reference Optical Turbulence and Wind Profiles for Single Conjugate and Extreme Adaptive Optics"
"Optical turbulence forecast over short timescales using machine learning techniques"
- Анастасия Лаврухина
"Detecting complex sources in large surveys using an apparent complexity measure"
- Тимофей Семенихин
"Augmenting photometric redshift estimates using spectroscopic nearest neighbours"
2/11/2022, 16:00 (on-line, №38)
- Тимофей Семенихин
"The First Two Years of FLEET: an Active Search for Superluminous Supernovae"
- Анастасия Лаврухина
"A search for planetary transits on a set of 1.4 million multi-sector DIAmante lightcurves"
- Елена Балакина
"Nuclear star cluster formation in star-forming dwarf galaxies"
28/09/2022, 15:00 (on-line, №37)
- Тимофей Семенихин
"Gaussian Process regression for astronomical time-series"
- Анастасия Лаврухина
"Semi-Supervised Classification and Clustering Analysis for Variable Stars"
- Анастасия Балута
"Hyper-runaway and hypervelocity white dwarf candidates in Gaia Data Release 3: possible remnants from Ia/Iax supernova explosions or dynamical encounters"
31/08/2022, 15:00 (on-line, №36)
- Хала Алкубелат (Hala Alqubelat)
"Gemini-LIGHTS: Herbig Ae/Be and massive T-Tauri protoplanetary disks imaged with Gemini Planet Imager"
- Елена Балакина
"JWST Imaging of Earendel, the Extremely Magnified Star at Redshift z = 6.2"
- Анастасия Лаврухина
Доклад о школе ZTF Summer School 2022
27/07/2022, 15:00 (on-line, №35)
- Sebastian Kamann (Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, UK)
"How stellar rotation shapes the color-magnitude diagrams of young stars clusters"
- Анастасия Волошина
"The First Full-Color Images and Data from the James Webb Space Telescope"
29/06/2022, 15:00 (on-line, №34)
- Елена Балакина
"The synchronised dance of the Magellanic Clouds’ star formation history"
- Артур Авакян
"Evidence of large recoil velocity from a black hole merger signal"
- Анастасия Волошина
Gaia Data Release 3 overview,
"Is there a nearby microlensing stellar remnant hiding in Gaia DR3 astrometry?"
25/05/2022, 15:00 (on-line, №33)
- Анастасия Волошина
"Llamaradas Estelares: Modeling the Morphology of White-Light Flares"
- Елена Балакина
"Stellar dynamics and dark matter in Local Group dwarf galaxies"
- Алексей Никонов
"First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. I. The Shadow of the Supermassive Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way"
27/04/2022, 15:00 (on-line, №32)
- Елена Балакина
"The Hubble constant from two sibling Type Ia supernovae in the nearby galaxy NGC 4414: SN 1974G and SN 2021J"
- Анастасия Волошина
"The impact of time-dependent stellar activity on exoplanet atmospheres"
- Мария Пружинская
"Euclid: Discovering pair-instability supernovae with the Deep Survey"
30/03/2022, 15:00 (on-line, №31)
- Елена Балакина
"Upper limits on the dark matter content in globular clusters"
- Анастасия Волошина
"Yet another star in the Albireo system — The discovery of Albireo Ad"
- Пётр Бакланов
"A 5% measurement of the Hubble constant from Type II supernovae"
2/03/2022, 16:00 (on-line, №30)
- Анастасия Волошина
"Detection of a dense group of hyper-compact radio sources in the central parsec of the Galaxy"
- Алексей Лютых
"The Dark Energy Survey 5-year photometrically identified Type Ia Supernovae"
- Александра Новинская
"The double detonation of a double degenerate system, from Type Ia supernova explosion to its supernova remnant"
- Тимофей Семенихин
Новости со студенческой научной конференции "Физика Космоса: Астрономия и исследование космического пространства" (УрФУ) (2201.05146)
- Дискуссия
2/02/2022, 17:00 (on-line, №29)
- Константин Маланчев
"Tick-Tock: The Imminent Merger of a Supermassive Black Hole Binary"
- Анастасия Балута
"Supernova Siblings and their Parent Galaxies in the Zwicky Transient Facility Bright Transient Survey"
- Елена Балакина
"An Isolated Stellar-Mass Black Hole Detected Through Astrometric Microlensing"
- Дискуссия
28/12/2021, 14:00 (on-line, №28)
- Елена Балакина
"The Pantheon+ Type Ia Supernova Sample: The Full Dataset and Light-Curve Release"
- Мария Пружинская
"A Comprehensive Measurement of the Local Value of the Hubble Constant with 1 km/s/Mpc Uncertainty from the Hubble Space Telescope and the SH0ES Team"
- Анастасия Волошина
"A wide-orbit giant planet in the high-mass b Centauri binary system"
- Серафим Серюбин
"Oscillatory Reconnection of a 2D X-point in a hot coronal plasma"
- Дискуссия
24/11/2021, 15:00 (on-line, №27)
- Дмитрий Колесников
"Estimation of the Eclipse Solar Radius by Flash Spectrum Video Analysis"
- Анастасия Волошина
"GWTC-3: Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo During the Second Part of the Third Observing Run"
- Елена Балакина
"Evidence for mixing between ICM and stripped ISM by the analysis of the gas metallicity in the tails of jellyfish galaxies"
- Алексей Лютых
"Conditional Neural Process for non-parametric modeling of AGN light curve"
- Дискуссия
27/10/2021 (on-line, №26)
- Тимофей Семенихин
"Superluminous supernovae: an explosive decade"
- Анастасия Лаврухина
"ParSNIP: Generative Models of Transient Light Curves with Physics-Enabled Deep Learning"
- Алина Вольнова
"Observation of the second LIGO/Virgo event connected with binary neutron star merger S190425z in the gamma-ray range"
- Андрей Тавлеев
"Modeling changing-look (CL) AGN phenomenon in 1D using accretion disk instabilities"
- Дискуссия
29/09/2021 (on-line, №25)
- Алексей Лютых
"DECORAS: detection and characterization of radio-astronomical sources using deep learning"
- Константин Маланчев
"A method for finding anomalous astronomical light curves and their analogs"
- Дискуссия
8/09/2021 (on-line, №24)
- Серафим Серюбин
"3D MHD astrospheres: applications to IRC-10414 and Betelgeuse"
- Мария Пружинская
"Rates of Compact Object Coalescences"
- Павел Минаев
"Inclination estimates from off-axis GRB afterglow modelling"
- Елена Балакина
"New Constraints on Anisotropic Expansion from Supernovae Type Ia"
- Дискуссия
28/07/2021 (on-line, №23)
- Е.А. Балакина
"Measurements of the Hubble Constant: Tensions in Perspective"
- Д.Д. Лисицин
"Comptonization by Reconnection Plasmoids in Black Hole Coronae I: Magnetically Dominated Pair Plasma"
- К.Л. Маланчев
"Preparing to discover the unknown with Rubin LSST -- I: Time domain"
- Дискуссия
30/06/2021 (on-line, №22)
02/06/2021 (on-line, №21)
- А.В. Лютых
"Discovery and confirmation of the shortest gamma ray burst from a collapsar"
- Е.А. Балакина
"Evolution of the Water Snow Line in Magnetically Accreting Protoplanetary Disks"
- Дискуссия
28/04/2021 (on-line, №20)
- Г.В. Липунова
"XMM-Newton campaign on the ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 247 ULX-1: outflows"
- Е.А. Балакина
"Synergies between Vera C. Rubin Observatory, Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, and Euclid Mission: Constraining Dark Energy with Type Ia Supernovae"
- Д.А. Колесников
"Evidence for an intermediate-mass black hole from a gravitationally lensed gamma-ray burst"
(2103.15414), Animation: Black Hole Star Shredder, Credit: DESY, Science Communication Lab
- М.В. Пружинская
"The search for failed supernovae with the Large Binocular Telescope: a new candidate and the failed SN fraction with 11 yr of data"
31/03/2021 (on-line, №19)
- И.А. Орлов
"Revealing a New Black Widow Binary 4FGL J0336.0+7502"
- А.В. Лютых
"A Deep Learning Approach for Active Anomaly Detection of Extragalactic Transients"
- Е.А. Балакина
"The influence of metallicity on the Leavitt Law from geometrical distances of Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds Cepheids"
- А.Л. Авакян
"A full relativistic thin disc – the physics of the plunging region and the value of the stress at the ISCO"
- А.С. Тавлеев
"An Improved Model for the Spectra of Disks of Nova-like Variables"
24/02/2021 (on-line, №18)
- К.Л. Маланчев
"Machine-learning energy-preserving nonlocal closures for turbulent fluid flows and inertial tracers"
- Е.А. Балакина
"An impostor among us I: Photometric and spectroscopic evolution of AT 2016jbu"
"An impostor among us II: Progenitor, environment, and modelling of AT 2016jbu"
- В.Ю. Ландер
"Посадка марсохода Perseverance"
- А.В. Лютых
"The trouble beyond H0 and the new cosmic triangles"
27/01/2021 (on-line, №17)
- С. Б. Попов
"Астрофизические итоги 2020 года"
30/12/2020 (on-line, №16)
- P.-F. Léget
"Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Weak Lensing Shape Catalogue"
(2011.03408), in English
- Д. А. Колесников
"TESSVisibility – When was my favorite star or asteroid observed by TESS?"
"Image recovery with the solar gravitational lens"
- А. С. Тавлеев
"Models of Ultra-Luminous X-ray transient sources"
- М. В. Пружинская
"Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties"
- М. E. Прохоров
"GRBAlpha: A 1U CubeSat mission for validating timing-based gamma-ray burst localization"
(2012.01298, slides)
25/11/2020 (on-line, №15)
- А.В. Лютых
"A look at the Hubble speed from first principles" (2011.10559)
- А.К. Новинская
"A closer look at non-interacting He stars as a channel for producing the old population of Type Ia supernovae" (2011.07668)
- М.М. Лисаков
"Re-analysis of Phosphine in Venus' Clouds" (2011.08176)
- Дискуссия
28/10/2020 (on-line, №14)
- Е.А. Балакина
"Phosphine Gas in the Cloud Decks of Venus" (2009.06593); "Re-analysis of the 267-GHz ALMA observations of Venus: No statistically significant detection of phosphine"
- К.Л. Маланчев
"Anomaly Detection for Multivariate Time Series of Exotic Supernovae" (2010.11194)
- М.М. Лисаков
"Feeding and feedback in nuclei of galaxies" (2010.01974)
- А.C. Тавлеев
"Reconciling EHT and Gas Dynamics Measurements in M87: Is the Jet Misaligned at Parsec Scales?" (2010.11303)
- М.В. Пружинская
"The Young Supernova Experiment: Survey Goals, Overview, and Operations" (2010.09724)
30/09/2020 (on-line, №13)
27/08/2020 (on-line, №12)
- Д.А. Колесников
"The surface of rapidly-rotating neutron stars: implications to neutron star parameter estimation" (2008.05565v1)
- Е.А. Балакина
"The Origin of Elements from Carbon to Uranium" (2008.04660)
- M.В. Пружинская
"Overview of KAGRA : KAGRA science" (2008.02921)
30/07/2020 (on-line, №11)
- С.Б. Попов
"Detection of two bright FRB-like radio bursts from magnetar SGR 1935+2154 during a multi-frequency monitoring campaign" (2007.05101)
- Е.А. Балакина
"The Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological Implications from two Decades of Spectroscopic Surveys at the Apache Point observatory" (2007.08991)
- А.В. Лютых
"The failure of testing for cosmic opacity via the distance-duality relation" (2007.10472)
- А.К. Новинская
"The Interiors of Uranus and Neptune: Current Understanding and Open Questions" (2007.10783)
- М.Е. Прохоров "The Ultimately Large Telescope -- what kind of facility do we need to detect Population III stars?" (2007.02946)
- Другие новости, дискуссия
25/06/2020 (on-line, №10)
- К. Маланчев "Photometric Data-driven Classification of Type Ia Supernovae in the Open Supernova Catalog" (2006.10489)
- А. Авакян "Testing viscous disc theory using the balance between stellar accretion and external photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs" (2006.04819)
- Е. Балакина "Human Assisted Science at Venus: Venus Exploration in the New Human Spaceflight Age" (2006.04900); "Physical characterization of 2020 AV2, the first known asteroid orbiting inside Venus orbit" (2006.08304)
- К. Маланчев "The High Inclination Solar Mission" (2006.03111)
- М. Пружинская "The SiTian project" (2006.01844)
28/05/2020 (on-line, №9)
- К.Л. Маланчев "The VVV Infrared Variability Catalog (VIVA-I)" (2005.05404)
- Г.В. Липунова "Orbital and superorbital periods in ULX pulsars, disc-fed HMXBs, Be/X-ray binaries, and double-periodic variables" (2004.14207)
- Е.А. Балакина "Erosion of planetesimals by gas flow" (2005.07951); "Micro Cold Traps on the Moon" (2005.05369)
- К.Е. Найденкин "The Zwicky Transient Facility Catalog of Periodic Variable Stars" (2005.08662)
26/03/2020 (TOP10, №7)
Could be discussed:
- "Do fragmentation and accretion affect the stellar Initial Mass Function?" (2003.07639)
- "The UV surface habitability of Proxima b: first experiments revealing probable life survival to stellar flares" (2003.00984)
- "TESS spots a hot Jupiter with an inner transiting Neptune" (2003.10852)
- "The Host Galaxies of Tidal Disruption Events" (2003.02863)
- "Multiconjugate Adaptive Optics for Astronomy" (2003.03097)
- "The Low Earth Orbit Satellite Population and Impacts of the SpaceX Starlink Constellation" (2003.07446)
- "Science with the X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM)" (2003.04962)
- "The Gamow Explorer: A Gamma-Ray Burst Mission to Study the High Redshift Universe" (2003.01592)
- "An ultra-massive white dwarf with a mixed hydrogen-carbon atmosphere as a likely merger remnant" (2003.00028)
- "Modelling hystereses observed during dwarf-nova outbursts" (2003.03056)
27/02/2020 (15:00, №6)
- Е.А. Балакина Новости с 49-й студенческой научной конференции "Физика Космоса" (АО УрФУ)
- Б.А. Низамов "A stacked prism lens concept for next generation hard X-ray telescopes" (2002.02299)
- А.К. Новинская "Supernova Siblings: Assessing the Consistency of Properties of Type Ia Supernovae that Share the Same Parent Galaxies" (2002.00974)
- А.Л. Авакян "S62 on a 9.9 yr Orbit around SgrA*" (2002.02341)
- Дискуссия
30/01/2020 (№5)
Комментарии С.И. Блинникова
- С.Б. Попов Новости по быстрым радиовсплескам
- С.И. Блинников "Peak-Luminosity/Decline-Rate Relationship for Tidal Disruption Events" (2001.08215)
- Г.В. Липунова "The spectral evolution of disc dominated tidal disruption events" (1912.06577); "High-energy astrophysical neutrinos are produced in central parsec-scale regions of radio-bright active galaxies" (2001.00930)
- А.С. Волошина "Physics of Eclipsing Binaries. IV. The impact of interstellar extinction on the light curves of eclipsing binaries" (1912.09474); "Binary stars: a cheat sheet" (1912.13400)
- Д.А. Колесников Проблема Starlink
26/12/2019 (№4)
- А.С. Никонов
"Новости с конференции 30th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics"
- Е.А. Балакина
"Search for dark matter towards the Galactic Centre with 11 years of ANTARES data" (1912.05296);
"The first high-redshift changing-look quasars" (1912.05310)
- А.С. Тавлеев
"The Formation of a 70 Msun Black Hole at High Metallicity" (1911.12357)
- М.В. Пружинская
"Science Case for the Einstein Telescope" (1912.02622)
- Д.А. Колесников "Interstellar communication network. I. Overview and assumptions" (1912.02616)
28/11/2019 (№3)
- Е.А. Балакина
"The Milky Way total mass profile as inferred from Gaia DR2" (1911.04557)
- К.Л. Маланчев
"Physical constraints from near-infrared fast photometry of the black-hole transient GX 339-4" (1911.06332);
"Deep Learning for space-variant deconvolution in galaxy surveys" (1911.00443);
"Why is the LSST Science Platform built on Kubernetes?" (1911.06404)
- А.К. Новинская
"The effects of peculiar velocities in SN Ia environments on the local H0 measurement" (1911.03155)
- М.В. Пружинская
"The radial distribution of supernovae compared to starformation tracers" (1911.09842);
"SN 2017cfd: A Normal Type Ia Supernova Discovered Very Young" (1911.07734)
- А.Л. Авакян
"Thermal instability of thin accretion disks in the presence of wind and toroidal magnetic field" (1911.06645)
26/09/2019 (№1)
- С.Б. Попов
"Новости arXiv по быстрым радиовсплескам"
- Г.В. Липунова
"Tracing the AGN/X-ray Binary Analogy with Light Curves of Individual Changing-Look AGN"(1909.04676)
- К.Л. Маланчев
"Optimizing exoplanet atmosphere retrieval using unsupervised machine-learning classification" (1909.00718)
- М.В. Пружинская
"Environmental Dependence of Type Ia Supernova Luminosities from the YONSEI Supernova Catalog" (1908.10375);
"A Photometric Analysis of the Relationship Between Type Ia SupernovaUV Flux and Host Galaxy Metallicity" (1909.05445)
- Е.А. Балакина
"Новости со школы Cosmic Explosions 2019" (Коржез, Франция)